
Being at Home Means Being Secure

Every 15 seconds, a break-in takes place in the US. This results in an annual cost of $4.7 billion in property damage. In more than 57% of the cases, the burglars enter through the front door and windows. In most cases, this is done by levering the door or window with a screwdriver. And this isn’t even the worst part of break-ins. There are also emotional consequences as almost half the people affected feel unsafe in their habitual surroundings in the long term, and a large proportion are plagued by anxiety and sleep disorders. With the right security measures, you can make the life of a burglar more difficult. After all, about one third of all burglary attempts fail because the intruders did not make it into the house fast enough. Therefore, investing in burglar-proof measures pays off. We’ll help you find the best option for your home.

Weak Spots in Your Home

of all burglaries are residential

of burglars enter through the front door

enter through a ground floor window

Resistance Classes

For the ultimate burglar protection in both new and remodeled homes, it’s best to find security shutters that have been tested according to standards to ensure they do protect your home. When testing the burglar resistance, the entire construction of the frame, the panel and the curtain are checked for their resistance levels. This way, the overall construction has no weak point. The standards in question define the resistance class, the resistance time (the length of time a product can withstand burglary), the type of burglar, and the method of burglary. Since September 2011, the resistance classes are highlighted with the abbreviation “RC”. Find out more about the European testing standards here.

Basic protection

Covers against physical violence such as kicking or ripping.

Advanced protection

Secures against break-in attempts with basic tools, such as screw driver or pliers.

Ultimate protection

Protects against break-in attempts by experienced criminals with tools such as a drill.

Measure Safety with Resistance Classes

For effective burglary resistance, the police recommend RC 2 and RC 3 for high-value contents or households that require high security. The heroal systems are available in several varieties within RC 2 and 3. In the simulated test, experienced, violent perpetrators with drills, saws and impact equipment, could not enter the building in question within 5 minutes per attacking point – a period within which most perpetrators had given up. Have a look at the table below for further details on the European standards.

Resistance class according to DIN EN 1627 Resistance class according to DIN V ENV 1627 Resistance time Attacker profile and method of attack
* If break-in resistance is required, RC 2 N is only recommended for those components which are unlikely to face a direct attack on the glazing.
RC 1 WK 1 - Basic protection against break-in attempts using physical force such as kicking, flying kicks and pulling or ripping.
RC 2 N* - 3 minutes An occasional burglar attempts to break in through a locked door and a bolted structural element with basic tools such as a screwdriver, a set of pliers or a wedge.
RC 2 WK 2 3 minutes An occasional burglar attempts to break in through a locked door and a bolted structural element with basic tools such as a screwdriver, a set of pliers or a wedge.
RC 3 WK 3 5 minutes An occasional or experienced burglar attempts to break the lock and the bolted structural element with a second screwdriver, a lever tool and a basic drill.

More Burglary Protection with heroal

From security shutters to sun protection screens, heroal offers a wide range of products to protect residential and commercial buildings from both violent weather and unwanted attention. heroal protects your home from burglars – stay safe.

  • Tested break-in resistance
  • Protection up to resistance class RC3
  • High-quality aluminum and stainless steel materials
  • Wide selection of color options available

Weak Spots in Your Home

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Our heroal Promise: Manufactured in Germany, Fabricated in North America

One of the most important things in life is the freedom to choose – and heroal fully supports this. As a family-run company with 150 years of experience, we strongly believe that you should never compromise on quality. With the extensive range of heroal products, there is no shortage of optimal solutions that meet all demands. As leaders in technology, quality for us means better efficiency, better reliability, and better performance and therefore solutions that are “SIMPLY BETTER”.

After over 30 years of fostering business relations with the US, heroal is now fully represented in the United States of America. Since 2015, heroal has provided complete support and a fully qualified on-site team as well as a dedicated service team at our customer’s disposal. The same values are of utmost importance to both our German and our American organizations: quality engineering, premium innovation, and flawless service. Your local team is ready when you are!

  • Over 3,500 specialist partners worldwide
  • Products of certified quality
  • Family-run company with a long tradition
  • Made in Germany
  • Fabricated in North America
  • Individual design
  • Comprehensive range of services
  • Best technical solutions